Monday, January 6, 2014

Military OneSource

I was very excited to open my email this morning and discover that my blog post was featured on Military OneSource's Blog Brigade! If you've never visited Military OneSource check it out. It's a great resource for military families. And then be sure to hop over and check out my guest post!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

happy new year!

Happy New Year everyone! Hope everyone has been having a great 2014 already. Jeff and I wrapped up 2013 back in Washington. We didn't tell any of his friends (except one to help us organize a surprise) so I couldn't mention it online anywhere. Jeff and our good friend Melissa set up a Christmas party -- on a Sunday night -- and we were supposed to come knock on the door and Melissa was going to have her husband Nick open the door, thinking it was the pizza man. That didn't happen. Not sure where the mix-up happened but we basically just walked in the front door without knocking! The look on everyone's faces was priceless. I wish I had my camera out when we walked in to capture that moment. Never done anything like that before but it was totally worth it! And surprisingly there was a huge turn out even for it being a Sunday night. Way to go Melissa!

We had a great time with family and friends up there. It didn't exactly snow while we were there but everything was completely frozen and covered in frost. It was foggy and beautiful every day. When you hate snow like I do, you'll take fog and frozen trees over two feet of snow any day.

No snow? Perfectly fine with that

The morning we left for our trip we woke up with a flat tire on my car. YAY! No time to deal with it though because we had to get to the airport. So we took the truck instead and I came home and had to deal with it on my own... Because dealing with a flat tire by yourself is probably some sort of rite of passage for a military spouse. Jeff was in mandatory briefings all day and couldn't help me deal with it. And now he is already back in WA again for the month of January for some additional training. We've had so much fun traveling and spending time together since his graduation but now I am ready to just sit and relax for while. I'm sick again for the third time since Thanksgiving (really unusual for me!) so I'm taking the next couple days to try and sleep it off. I've already eaten an embarrassing amount of grilled cheese and tomato soup since being home. But hey no one has to know...

One final thing that I realized a few days ago- we are down to two months away from moving to Albuquerque! This is the time before a PCS where everything starts to feel like it needs done right now and I feel like I'm falling behind on getting the house ready, but in reality nothing can be done at all yet. Trying not to stress out over it too much, as I'm sure it will be here before we know it. Anyway that's all for now. Back to my tissue box and cup of tea I go...

Working on trying to take more photos of ourselves on vacation... got another 2 whole pics this time!