About Us

Jeff & Alisha
This is one of my favorite pictures of us. This was during pilot training - the day we found out Jeff had landed his dream job and track selected helicopters. We were so excited that day!

Jeff and I met in 2009 at the matchmaking hands of a couple mutual friends. It was one of those rare situations when our friends were actually right in thinking that we would make a good couple. We were going to college at the University of Idaho and had lived in the same building, and even had many of the same friends, but had never met before. A pretty awkward double date and two years of not-so-awkward dates later, we were married in August of 2011. Jeff had just commissioned into the Air Force and we moved to Mississippi in early 2012 so he could start pilot training. We began our life down there and almost immediately adopted the other love of my life, our puppy Chipper! He's a total pain in the rear but I can't imagine life without him. He's my perfect little companion while Jeff has been busy studying and flying.

So far we've loved Air Force life and can't wait to see what else God has in store for us. Whatever it is, we trust him completely with our lives!

Chipper as a puppy the summer of 2012.


This God–his way is perfect; the word of the LORD proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him. Psalm 18:30

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alisha (and fellow Idahoan!),

    I came across your blog. It's fantastic; I enjoyed reading it.

    I am also a military wife and I wanted to contact you to see if I can mail you a free copy of a children's book I wrote for you to review on your site/ social media.

    Here is the link to my book on Amazon (I'm legit!):

    “Daddy Flies” is a children's book for 2-5 year olds about a smart girl named Katie, who uses her little-kid logic to figure out what her dad does at work every day. Her predicament is believable for children and amusing for parents. It’s 32 pages with full color illustrations and rhyming prose.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!
    Brye Steeves


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