Sunday, July 28, 2013


Well here I am, blogging away. I decided maybe a blog would be best after a year and a half of answering people's questions on what our plans are, where the Air Force is taking us, what we've been up to etc. Thoughts on blogging:

  • Coming up with a name for your blog is no joke. That was hard. And just when you figure out the perfect one, it turns out it is taken and you have to put a modifier at the beginning of your title ;)
  • Not sure how often I'll keep up with it but I'd like to be able to refer people to the blog in the future so I don't have to yack their ears off about detailed situations we find ourselves in with the Air Force
  • Props to people who do this on the daily and get paid for their content. The pressure was mounting just to figure out if I wanted birds on the front page or not!

So, a brief life update. Some of you may know that Jeff was basically benched for a few months and was unable to fly (the term is DNIF - duties not to include flying) while the AF figured out what they wanted to do with him. Earlier this year he suffered a kidney stone and once it passed and was dealt with (two medical procedures later because it wasn't moving on its own) we began the process of getting a waiver for his kidney stones to make sure that he could continue pilot training. This was basically red tape that we had to get through but we had no idea how long it was going to take or if they'd even approve it. For context, he started pilot training in March of 2012 and was set to graduate in June of 2013. He was only three months away from getting his wings and finishing when this whole thing started, and we were worried his waiver would be denied and he'd have to re-class to some other career, or possibly be medically separated altogether. Read: disappointing to say the least. God was so faithful... I can't even explain all the emotions we went through during that time. We had just finally started to accept what a life outside the Air Force would look like and started to consider our other options. Meanwhile everyone we knew was graduating and moving on. After three months of waiting, we finally got the news that his waiver had been approved and he could continue training. His first flight back with his new class is on Monday! We're happy little campers about it. He's set to graduate in October now and a week before graduation we find out what helicopter he'll be assigned and where we'll be headed. At this point it doesn't even matter what helo he gets, we're thankful to just be flying.

As for me, I've been just carrying on with taking care of the husband, house and dog. Had I known we'd be living here for as long as we will be then I probably would have been more proactive about getting a job when we arrived. But not working has been a great blessing as well. It's allowed me to visit family in multiple states and visit friends as well. Not to mention spending all that extra quality time with Jeff and Chipper.

So that's where we're at for now. Next month is our 2 year anniversary (already??) and then in September is my birthday. And Jeff gets promoted! So we have lots of stuff to distract us until the big shebang in October.

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