Monday, August 26, 2013


I had the chance this month to take a little vacation and visit my friend Holly in Hawaii. I hadn't seen her in about two years so it was great to catch up and spend some time together. Plus, Hawaii! Who doesn't love that? The week was full of lots of relaxing beach and pool time and great food and great company. One of my favorite things we did was go ziplining! I've always wanted to try it. It definitely will not be my last time. We also swam with dolphins which was something I never thought I'd do but I'm so glad we did it! The dolphins were so fun and friendly. At one point we were sitting on a ledge half under the water and the dolphin actually came and laid on Holly's lap. The trainer told us that dolphin was a snuggle bug. I know, it's weird to think about a dolphin being cuddly. But she was!

This is a photo of the professional photo we bought, so the quality isn't great. But I just had to share it!

Delicious shaved ice martinis

Sunset over the Mauna Kea golf course

Taking in the sunset

We had such a great time and the week really went by too fast. I'd like to say a huge, HUGE thank you to Holly and her family for hosting me this last week! Love you guys!

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